Monday 17 July 2017

Misleading Spelling

The pronunciation of English vocalic graphemes is not always the same. One wrongly assumes they are consistent as in other languages, but they are not.
The relationship between spelling and sound is unpredictable; therefore  the pronunciation is chaotic, erratic even whimsical. It is part of the peculiar
English Muddle.

Aware of the problem,  and given that neither the spelling nor the ear can be trusted
we  wrote the following material.

1)           Sound&Spelling related Mind Maps:

            that relate a particular sound with the different graphemes.

2)           Jolly Stories for Learrning:

             they associate words with the same sound but different spelling.

3)           Audio:  

the stories above recorded by English actors.

1)   To pronounce wrongly a letter as a diphtong or viceversa.

2)   Overgeneralizations:

The a diphthongs in Nation
but it does not in its derived words.
Likewise, the stress changes position in derived words
Bear in mind that one must constantly particularize in English.
This linguistic trait creates patterns in the mind that transfer to everyday life.

I daresay that the English language:

1)     creates productive patterns of behavior against overgeneralizations
2)     develops alertness to minute signals that make the difference.